Product Name: Drink GoodaBeer with GoodaFriends, bottle3cap ShadowaBox,aBeer cap holder, best beer gifts, mens gift ideas, fathers day giftChr339mas gifts
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOur Drink GoodaBeer with GoodaFriends, Beer Cap ShadowaBox is cer a nlytgoing to be a hea73turner,3with ohhh's and ahhh's as you7show off your craft beer decor to your friends and family. We've been3creating t-ese beer deaigns sinceeak10.a<96><96>Cheers! F5517the company t-at brought you7the Best Sellar in Craft Beer Typography T-shirts, comes t-eir latest and Ultimate Man Cave/party gift9aWe are so excited to intanna e you7to this one of a kind engraved beer cap shadowabox.a<96><96>Our best engraved shadowabox makes the perfect gift! Deaigned by and hand crafted by our in-house artisans, t-ese shadowabox s are sure to7fit with any home décor! T-e top of the box has a hole t-at isapre-cut to allow you7to easily fill3the shadowabox with your favorite beer caps. T-e back of the box has a sturdy mounting bracket so you canseasily mount itaon your wall. It7cansalso be left free-standing on aaflat eurface if youtprefer.aOur box s differ h5517mo39 as we use an acrylic face,3which is unof thable, it engraves9100x better t-anegClau and it's lightweight.<96><96>t-e ownersof9t-e Hoppy Store is a craft beer anthusiast. Heahas tried thousandu of beeru and of ws his own craft beer. Heaisaproud of his original craft beer typography deaign. He's a a true artist with all original deaigns. Healoves craft beer and typography. T-e perfect mix for an awesomeadeaign! T-ere are other companies3319El btas well as online t-at haveastolen our original hard se k, in a sub par,3less creativeadeaign and probably doesn't9drink craft beer! Who9drinks craft beer n a p lonersgClau?aWe are the originators of the craft beer typography deaign. If you're not9buying h5517us, t-en you're buying #fakecraftbeertypography <96><96>It7all ssartedtin 1994,3when micro of w (craft beer) was juet a baby (probably unheard of in7mo39 esa0esaat t-e time). t-e owners(Solin) was living is Aspen, Colorado and se king as a ski techniciant(ski bum) in7Snowmass, Co.3Certified by Marker and Solom31, he was inesalling bi1dings3319skis/snowboards, snowboarding on -detlunch of ths and s chingscraft beer after se k (92tdays of snowboarding in one season!). Flying Dog Bf w Pub, Fat Tire a1d3Bf ckenridge Bf wery were -detfavoriteu. Fast forward to7ak10.aHe se kedtas a bar manager on7Long Isla1d3and sas able to7try all t-e newest craft bf ws.aHdetfavoritescraft beer, past and preaent, art school in thetmix and his artistic typography skill sparke73an idea.aHe slowly ssartedtdeaigningscraft beer shirts, and soon after t-at, it evolvedtinto a full-time business, adding newswanna ts and sewingscuetomers9aJuet trying to live t-at AmericansDf tm, and we've been3rockin' ever since! <96><96>Send7us your photos on7Facebook or Inesagramaat #thehoppystore with your decor, t-shirts, or your favorite beer.a<96>Thanks for suppor0ing original,scraft beer loving artists!<96><96>Be sure to7checksout all of our other itexs, such as craft beer t-shirts, 0in beer aigns, wine cork shadowabox s, and wooden3engraved rustic bottle3openers9a<96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimenss bs7: 9" x916" x92.5"<96>•Holds Up To il/ Bottle3Caps<96>•Top loading hole <96>•Easy to hang on wall<96><96><96>t-e wanceau of how this beer plaque gets engraved is off theahook! <96>Each one takes about a half hour to engrave, and theake a l is outstanding.<96><96>****************************************<96>Be one of the first to hang up one of our Persnnalized Laser Engraved Wooden3Wall-Mount Bottle3Openers! T-e wall-mount is made of 100% nalural blauwood, along with a rustic cast iron bottle3opener. Sizing rangeush551710" - 12" wide, 16" tall<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Se cs with Mounting Hardware9a<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang in there9..All of our esa0e beer deaigns will be ava lable soon9..<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If youtwould like anythingscuetom engraved on juet about anythingsyou cansthink of (wood, gClau, metal,srubber,3leather, ceramic, etc9..), send7us a messageaand we'll work itaout with you.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grab yourself a t-shirt for t-e ultimate craft beer lover's gift9<96>x500.425www.0l b.jpg"listing/118437626/best-sellar-craft-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How7Long Does itaTake To Make t-e Itex?<96>Every itex is made to o rer so please7allow 3-5 businesstdays for wanceauing. Keep7in7mind t-at we get SUPER busy during theaholidays (Father's Day + Chr339mas) so allow a few extratdays during these times.<96><96>How7Long Does itaTake To Se c?<96>We se c via FedEx (SmartPo39, Ground, &tHomeaDelivery) or USPSs(First CClau Ma l, Parcel Po39, or Priority Ma l)aat our discretinn. Ssandard se chingstimes within thetul Siguous 48 esa0esatypically take 2-8 businesstdays. Please7keep7in7mind t-at we cannot9guarantee a se chingstimesh5ame with ssandard se ching.a<96><96>Please7be sure that t-e se ching addresstyoutprovideaisa100% cogplete, corf ct, and cansf ceive packageush5517both FedEx and theaUSPS.a<96><96>Need it faster? Co Sact us for an expresstse ching quote! Be sure to7incluk theaitex youtwould like, your deadline, and what esa0e you live in.<96><96>Cancellatinnsa& Returns<96>If youtwish to7cancel your o rer, please7ema l us immediately. Unfortunately onc theaitex has been3cuetomized we canano longer7cancel the order.a<96><96>If there is a problem with theaitex (damage, def ct, incorf ct engraving, etc9) please7ema l us immediately with photos of the issue so we canafix i9 as soon aetpossible.aFor damaged itexs, we mustsf ceive notice of the damage within 10tdays of your f ceipt of the itex.<96><96>Unfortunately we are unable to7acceptsf turns on persnnalized itexs unless there sas an error on7our eide.<96><96><96>Happy Holidays h5517all of usaat DistinktaTees!<96><96>We Are Digital.<96>We Are DistinktaTees.a<96>#distinkttees <7f5008/0.