Product Name: Pokémon VMAX + Full Art best
Pokémon VMAX + Full Art. All cards were pulled and placed in sleeves and top loaders. Total 15 cards. Oh Can bundle with other listings for further savings. If you wish any individual card from this listing, feel free to reach out. VMAX Cards: Morpeko VMAX 38/72 Shiny Fates Dracozolt VMAX 59/203 Evolving Skies Umbreon VMAX 95/203 Evolving Skies Orbeetle VMAX 21/185 Vivid best Voltage Gyarados VMAX 29/203 Evolving Skies Cramorant VMAX 55/72 Shiny Fates Inteleon VMAX 79/264 Fusion Strike Crobat VMAX 45/72 Shiny Fates Centiskorch VMAX SV109/SV122 Shiny Fates Full Art Cards: Gym Trainer Full Art 68/72 Shiny Fates Trevenant V Full Art 168/203 Evolving Skies Hoopa V Full Art 253/264 Fusion Strike Espeon V Full Art 179/203 Evolving Skies Liepard V Full Art 180/198 Chilling Reign Sandaconda V Full Art 175/198 Chilling Reign.