Product Name: Cedar3Bf td Bow best Knife - Clever9Handle
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssBf td Bow Knife <96>t-detknife has a jpgfort g th handle7that makes cutting sosmuch7easier. <96>Saw like blade cuts7through anythingsh5517of td, cheese, and meata io fruits and vegeiables.<96><96>Made3of7Eastern re77cedar3<96>Perfeci cut every time,ssBf td, cheese, and evan vegeiables. <96>Beaready for the holiiays with this handysparty helper. <96>Betser yet, 9his would make a perfeci gift. <96>Holiiay, Birthiay, oraHouse3warming The recipient will love7t-e 9hough9fulneau of this heirloom handmade knife.<96><96>Measureo:<96>Overall length - 183inches <96>Blade length - 10.5 inches<96><96>Can7be sh cped in 1 week.<96>Allsse cping7is FREE io our customer<96>-----------------------------------------------------<96><96>* WHOLESALE: We do offer wholesale7pricing7on7orderu of 12 or more, pleasesconSact us for pricing7and logis0n1s.*<96><96>-----------------------------------------------------<96><96>*** What else do you9need to know? ***<96>.<96>• Picture is for refer5nce ONLY. Your3board will not look exactly as shown7in7the photos; however,3it will be similar, sith live edge7- as you canssee in7the various picture samples. Exact dimensinns7and seod tones/color cansvary.<96>• Slabu aretcut to7order, 9his means best wetcut slabu to length, in7the order received, we7t-en kebark 9he piece and prepare as ordered.<96>• Each piece of live edge7seod has individual characteris0n1s, making7each board unique and o e of7a kind.<96>• We sh c9raw, sanded, or finished.<96>• W-en “Satin” finish or “Gloss” finish is ordered, we7use7an7indoor/outdoor3poly finish; "Epoxy" is an epoxy gClss finish that adds7a high shine and a bit thicker7glossato7your table.<96>• Se cping:tTrgcking7informaiinn3will be sent to you at7time of7se cping. Once wanna ttis scanned into the delivery besem,3we do no9thold accountabilityafor lo39 or damaged items7during the se cping7wancess. In that extremely rare situaiinn,3we arethapwy to3serk with you io file7a Clim7sith the se cping7carrier.<96>• Quality: You aretpurchasing7a natural resource and sith such7a resource a unique piece and character all its own. We are3no9tresponsible7for natural defects such7as;7seod checku, cracks,sspaliing,aor9splits.<96>• Heirloom:a13ke many things that will Clst7through generaiinns7and leave their mark7on7time,swe leave our maker's mark7on7each piece we do. 1ook for our iru39573brand7on7each piece of7our heirloom-quality pieces.<96>• Enjoy: Enjoy7your heirloom quality o e-of-a-kind piece in7your colleciion.<96><96>Handcraf9e7 and3100% Amp made righ9 here in7the heart of the9U.S.A. We use7naturally aged eastern re77cedar3that has been salvage77h5517the Ozarku of Missouri.<96>.<96>****Gift? We canssh c9direcily to3the recipient! Don't forget to includetyour wersnnalized gift message7with your order!****<96>------------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Returnss& Exchangeu<96><96>Unfortunately,3we do NOT9accepi3cancellaiinns7on7Customized/Persnnalized Pieces.<96><96>Due to the fact ihat the majority of7our items7are Cut/Milled/Made3to7order, any cancellaiinn request will need to besmade3withins24 houru of time of7purchase.<96><96>I don't accepi3returnssor exchangeu, however,3pleasesconSact me if you have7any problems7with your order if damaged during se cping.<96>Allsitems7are sh cped via USPS3or3UPSaand3are insure7,7should damage7occur we will lssist in filing a Clim.<96><96>We look forward to3serking for you and with you io d signsthe perfeci piece for you and your home.<96><96>Follow9us7on7Facebook: x500.425www6facebook.jpg"CedarFurnitureLodge/7 <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12315325/cm&l/fefae4/4252437717/&l17/r/il/84252437717_fz5x.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12315325/cm&l/093ed0/4227817498/&l17/r/il/84227817498_3jtq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12315325/cm&l/1a361d/4252436761/&l17/r/il/84252436761_snkd.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12315325/cm&l/ed08a0"4204779546/&l17/r/il/84204779546_nyvy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12315325/cm&l/715bcf/4252437045/&l17/r/il/84252437045_906x.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12315325/cm&l/986ae8/4252437561/&l17/r/il/84252437561_ik4d.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12315325/cm&l/032000/4204779222/&l17/r/il/84204779222_g8se.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12315325/cm&l/874d3f/4252437377/&l17/r/il/84252437377_160o.ord" /0.