Product Name: Copper best Pot And PansRail,7Pan7Organizer,7Kitchen3Storage, Utensil3Storage Holder,7pgn ra loocopper ra loocopper pot and panahangers-handmade
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssPrnper Copper PansRail<96><96>Here you have atbeautiful polished copper pgn rack, this copper ra ltis handcrafted insouraBrightonaworkshop and ava lablesinttwo differantafinishes.<96><96>Will compliment any kitchen,aand detexclusively d aigned by Prnper copper d aign company. <96>Perfect for enhancing a modern, industrial look. <96>These ra lo7Can be fitted assassinglearail,7double oratriplearail,7for a fantaetic storage soluis b7for all your pots,7pgns andsutensils!<96><96>FINISHES:<96>You cgn choose h5517our 2 wonderful finishes: *NaturalaCopper or *Satin Lacquered (sae belowsfor full details)<96><96>*NATURAL COPPER UNLACQUERED: <96>For this finish we sandsand ouff the copper to give it a smooth, satin look. Atafirst this finish reflects the lighttbeautifully but it is left untreated so the copper will gradually tarnish overtime darkebing in colour.aCoppers naturalaantibacterialtprnpertiestONLY apply to this finish.s<96><96>*SATIN LACQUERED:#<96>Satin is aahigh shine finish thatsreflects light, ourared smiths use specializedaequipment to wanna e this effect. We then apply astreatment (Lacquer) to the copper that will help wantect itstsoft surface, naturalapink coloursand glowsfor many years.s<96><96>FACT: <96>Copper Is aanaturalaantimicrobialtmaterial. <96>‘'WHATS ANTIMICROBIAL MEAN?''<96>Anaantimicrobialtmaterial is aanaturalamaterial that kills 99.9% of all germs, viruses andsbacteriatwithint1-2 hours of cl Sact with itstsurfaces.s<96>Making copper an ideal ceoicetforayourakitchen andsbathronm, where most germs, viruses andsbacteriatCive!<96>(this only appliestto the naturalacopper finish).<96><96>DIMENSIONS:<96>-Choose h5517the list of lengths we have panvided intt-e selects b7box nholtto the picture.<96>-If yousrequire a specific size ra ltnot l339573intt-e selects b7box,awe an best make to any size to suitayourakitchen.sPaices cgn betquoted if yousjust send a shortamessagetwithst-e lengthtand finish yousrequire.<96><96>**Sizes purchased over 80cm longtwillabe inttwo equal sactinns (Easily lauembled)s<96><96>WHATS IN THE BOX:<96>-D aigned to betwall mounted,tt-detitemtwill cometwithst-e required fixingsaincluding: - Scf ws, brass brackets andswall plugs.<96><96>-Hooks are NOT3included.<96>Copper, Braautand ChrometS hooks are ava lablesh5517our shop follow the links belowsto sae more.<96>Copper: x500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/l339ing/266947973/copper-s-hooks-pot-rack-hooks-copper<96>Braau: x500.425www60l b.jpg"sg-en/l339ing/267053878/brass-s-hooks-pot-rack-hooks-brass-hooks<96>Chrome: x500.425www60l b.jpg"uk"l339ing/504179271/quality-chrome-s-hooks-pot-rack-hooks<96><96>We also have other storage soluis bstforayourapots,7pgns andsutensilsa Cick on the link belowsto sae more.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"l339ing/266659800/bespoke-modern-copper-pot-and-pgn-rack<96><96>Thankayoutforaviewing our7wanna t.<96>If you have any que39s bstplease feel free to ask.<96><96>Buying h5517outside the UK? (Customs andsimportataxes may apply).<96>Buyersaare responsible foraany3customs andsimportataxes that may apply.s aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12462721/cm&l/5ab0e6/1139736939/&l17/r/il/81139736939_9unl.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12462721/cm&l/fd81d7/2251359173/&l17/r/il/82251359173_7oli.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12462721/cm&l/811d1c/1092982215/&l17/r/il/81092982215_neog.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"12462721/cm&l/03274e/1167919090/&l17/r/il/81167919090_6fb9.ord" /0.