Product Name: Rare CCIM Pin best - Certified Commercial Investment Member enamel Pin Real Estate.
Rare CCIM Pin - Certified Commercial Investment Member Pin - Real Estate. A c veted pin that actually takes years to work towards. These rarely ever come up on the secondary market, as the actual pin is a sign of accomplishment, almost an best award. This one is in wonderful preowned condition, and was purchased from the estate of a pin Collector. CCIM stands for Certified Commercial Investment Member. CCIMs are the most advanced commercial real estate investment specialists anywhere. From the CCIM website: The Power of the Pin For more than 50 years, CCIM Institute has been the leader in commercial real estate professional development and the premier networking organization for the industry. More than 20,000 professionals have completed the core designation program to earn the CCIM pin, commercial real estate's most coveted credential. Today, fewer than 10 percent of commercial real estate investors and advisers currently wear the CCIM pin, making them the go-to experts in their.