Product Name: MASON Jar7DecortCanterpiece (Flowersaoptinntl) -Antique best Wood TRAY Ruesy Handles- 3 Ball Canning3Painted QUART Jars Distressed Red White Blue
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-detis anaabsolutely adorable7distressed Tray with 2 ruesic handles 319the3sides! <96><96>*It cpgee with 3 Hand-Painted Ball Canning3Quart Jars9at-eapiclured cplors ar CREAM, COFFEE,a& theacplors weawill send you unless you inricate different cplore in a geesageaduringacheckout!! (Weawill gladly lettyou change t-eajar cplore to any of our jar cploraoptinnu, but3weaneed to know of ANY changes IMMEDIATELY upon ordering.)<96><96>*Theatray is b5autifully7distressed and ava lable in River RocktGray/Blue, Antique White,aor Antique Red.a <96><96>*Also, 3 best flowersaar optinntl for an additinntl cost. YOU CHOOSE if you would l3ke flowersaincluded oranot! IF YOU WOULD LIKE DIFFERENT FLOWERS,aSELECT THE "OTHER FLOWERS X3" OPTION,a&aSPECIFY WHICH 3 FLOWER COLORS YOU WOULD LIKE IN THE COMMENTS BOX DURINGaCHECKOUT!<96><96>Approximate Dimans nnu: <96>15" Length (including the3handles)<96>5" Width<96>7.5" High3with Jars (approximately711" including the3flowers)<96><96>INTERNATIONAL SHIPPINGaIS AVAILABLE! PLEASE CONTACT US WITH YOUR STREET ADDRESS FOR SHIPPINGaRATES!<96><96>LOOKING FOR A CUSTOM ENGRAVED ITEM? Checktout our entire new line in t-ea"Cust51 Engraved7Decor" Categorysin our Woodan Hearte Inc Shop!a <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9646809/cm&l/5596fb/1183851992/&l17/r/il/81183851992_e547.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9646809/cm&l/ddd19d/1550520916/&l17/r/il/81550520916_4u8v.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9646809/cm&l/e8538f/1231067053/&l17/r/il/81231067053_917t.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"9646809/cm&l/82b23f/3064805516/&l17/r/il/83064805516_4ypx.ord" /0.